President: Tamara Lewis
Tamara has lived in Riverside South since 2015. She is a senior financial analyst at an international law firm where she has worked for 24 years.
Vice President: Jon Gardiner
Jon previously lived in Riverside South from 2012-2014, and returned in 2020 with his young family. He is a graduate of Carleton University and has worked for the City of Ottawa since 2010.
Treasurer: Atif Rashid, MBA, CPA
Atif has lived in Riverside South with his family since 2018. He is a Financial Strategy Advisor at Environment Canada. He is also a Diversity & Inclusion, Mental Health, & Personal Development speaker.
Secretary: Sacha Saroop
Sacha has lived in Riverside South with her husband and toddler since 2015. She is a manager at a multinational ecommerce company where she has worked for the past 9 years.
Communications: Lynn Vanasse
Lynn has lived in Riverside South with her husband Mark since 2004; she was the co-owner of a sign company for 11 yrs until the birth of their 2 children and is currently working as a graphic tech and office admin.
Events: Lesia Gilbert
Lesia moved to Riverside South with her husband Mike in 2007, at which time she joined the RSCA as the volunteer coordinator. She is a CPA with her own business, and has 3 wonderful kids.
Business & Sponsors: Andrew Latty
Andrew Latty has been a Riverside South resident since 2009. He has been an active member of the RIverside South business community - he ran the former Sweat Shoppe located at Limebank and Spratt and is currently a real estate sales representative.
Volunteers: Brandon Bay
Brandon first came to Ottawa in 2006, to attend the University of Ottawa, and moved with his family to Riverside South in 2023. He works in software development, and has volunteered with non-profits and community associations across the city.
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