President: Tamara Lewis
Tamara has lived in Riverside South since 2015. She is a senior financial analyst at an international law firm where she has worked for 24 years.
Vice President: Jon Gardiner
Jon previously lived in Riverside South from 2012-2014, and returned in 2020 with his young family. He is a graduate of Carleton University and has worked for the City of Ottawa since 2010.
Treasurer: Atif Rashid, MBA, CPA
Atif has lived in Riverside South with his family since 2018. He is a Financial Strategy Advisor at Environment Canada. He is also a Diversity & Inclusion, Mental Health, & Personal Development speaker.
Secretary: Sacha Saroop
Sacha has lived in Riverside South with her husband and toddler since 2015. She is a manager at a multinational ecommerce company where she has worked for the past 9 years.
Communications: Lynn Vanasse
Lynn has lived in Riverside South with her husband Mark since 2004; she was the co-owner of a sign company for 11 yrs until the birth of their 2 children and is currently working as a graphic tech and office admin.
Events: Lesia Gilbert
Lesia moved to Riverside South with her husband Mike in 2007, at which time she joined the RSCA as the volunteer coordinator. She is a CPA with her own business, and has 3 wonderful kids.
Business & Sponsors: Andrew Latty
Andrew Latty has been a Riverside South resident since 2009. He has been an active member of the RIverside South business community - he ran the former Sweat Shoppe located at Limebank and Spratt and is currently a real estate sales representative.
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